Utah Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer

A slip and fall accident can result in serious injuries that profoundly affect your quality of life. If you were hurt on another’s property in Utah, you will benefit from the guidance of a slip and fall accident lawyer at Valiente Mott. Our attorneys have extensive experience litigating premises liability claims against property owners and managers, and are happy to outline your options for legal recourse.

There is no cost to speak with a Utah slip and fall accident attorney at our firm about your rights. We understand the lasting consequences and hardships of slip and fall injuries, which are often preventable. Whether you slipped on an icy doorstep or fell down because of a missing handrail, we can hold negligent parties responsible for your suffering.

Why hire a slip and fall accident lawyer in Utah?

After suffering any kind of senseless injury, victims shouldn’t navigate the legal process without a strong advocate in their corner. Let us handle the paperwork and the insurance negotiations, while you focus on your recovery.

The magnitude and extent of injuries from a slip and fall accident aren’t always immediately apparent. What seems like a minor sprain or contusion can turn into something much more serious and costly to treat. Our lawyers can connect you with medical professionals who can provide the care you need both now and into the future. We work with a leading team of injury experts and scrutinize every detail of your accident to identify liable parties. No matter if you fell in a parking lot, a shopping mall, a grocery store, or an apartment building, you can count on a Utah slip and fall accident lawyer to fight for the damages you need and deserve.

Utah premises liability accidents

In Utah, a property owner/manager can be held legally responsible for a slip and fall accident under theories of premises liability.

These laws take effect when:

  • The property owner knew or should have known about a defect or hazard on the grounds that presented an unreasonable risk of harm to guests, customers, or patrons
  • The property owner knew it to be unlikely that their customer or invited guest would see or protect themselves from the unsafe condition
  • The property owner failed to take reasonable steps to repair or sufficiently warn about the dangerous condition that caused the accident
  • The guests or customers did not discover the danger of the condition on the premises before they slipped and fell, getting injured

Our Utah slip and fall accident lawyers are well-versed in the ‘open and obvious’ defense used in premises liability claims. According to state law, property owners cannot be held liable for any slip and fall accident resulting from a defect or hazard that is obviously visible to the visitor. We have the investigative resources to collect evidence and prepare solid claims that minimize deceptive allegations that dangerous property conditions were open and obvious.

Even if the court finds that you are partially to blame for your slip and fall accident, you can still recover financial compensation so long as your percentage of liability is less than that of everyone else combined.

Common slip and fall causes in Utah

The negligent maintenance and upkeep of properties is the primary cause of slip, trip and fall accidents. Our attorneys handle injury claims stemming from all types of slip and fall accidents caused by:

  • Spilled liquids
  • Plumbing leaks
  • Unmarked changes in flooring elevation
  • Poor lighting
  • Loose carpeting or rugs
  • Accumulated snow and ice on sidewalks
  • Objects and clutter in walkways
  • Waxes and slippery floors
  • Defective ramps or stairs

Monetary damages available to plaintiffs

The goal of your slip and fall lawyer is to accurately assess all economic and non-economic damages in your case – both now and into the future. The following are types of compensation you can pursue in a Utah slip and fall lawsuit:

  • Medical expenses for x-rays and other diagnostic tests, hospitalization, ER treatment
  • Loss of income while you are unable to work
  • Future medical costs to cover physical therapy, surgery, doctor’s appointments, medications, and assistive devices
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of companionship or consortium

Utah slip and fall accident law firm

Discuss your slip and fall accident with skilled injury attorneys in Utah who represent people just like you, not insurance companies. Reach out today for a free case evaluation.

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