What to Do if You’re Injured on Vacation in Las Vegas

If you’re injured during your Las Vegas vacation, seek medical attention, gather evidence, report the accident to the proper authorities, and immediately contact a personal injury attorney. Do not be swayed by offers of discount tickets or free nights at a hotel—your injuries may be more serious than you realize. Our team of Las Vegas personal injury attorneys at Valiente Mott fights on behalf of tourists injured in Vegas. You have a right to a diligent, hardworking attorney who delivers client-centered results. Anything less is unacceptable.

See a Doctor for a Thorough Medical Evaluation

After suffering an injury in Vegas, your first step is to seek medical care from a local facility. It is integral to prove your injuries occurred in Las Vegas and ensure you take action to protect your health. Be sure to keep all of the records from your medical care providers and have the correct contact information for the facility. When you head home, continue to seek treatment if necessary.

Secure As Much Evidence as You Can

To pursue a claim for Nevada personal injuries, you must gather as much evidence as possible. Every successful injury claim is supported by a strong foundation of evidence–whether from a car accident or a slip and fall. Try to take pictures of the scene of the accident and damage to your property and person. If it resulted from hazardous conditions, do your best to capture this, e.g., if you slipped on a spilled drink, get a photo immediately before it is cleaned. Of course, if you’re in severe pain, you won’t be able to do this on your own. If anyone nearby can help you take photos, enlist their assistance. 

Get Contact Information from Witnesses 

When you’re injured on vacation in Las Vegas, there’s a strong possibility your witnesses may also be tourists. Therefore, getting their contact information is crucial before they leave town. You can give witnesses your contact information as well. If they’re sympathetic, you can ask them to briefly explain what they observed and follow up later to receive a more detailed statement. 

Report the Incident to the Proper Authorities

All Vegas personal injury claims begin with reporting the accident to the proper authorities. The circumstances surrounding your accident will determine who you need to contact. For example, if you were in an auto collision, under Nevada Law, you must report the crash to highway authorities. If you slip and fall in a hotel, you may need to report it to the manager. Failure to do this could potentially harm your case.

Don’t Accept Tickets or Discounts Instead of Filing a Formal Claim

In some cases, representatives from where the injury occurred may offer you a free future stay at their hotel or a significant discount for tickets to a show, because you don’t need to file a formal claim. Don’t take their word for it. Instead, take steps to preserve evidence and contact a personal injury attorney. 

Contact Valiente Mott for a Free Consultation

If you suffered an injury while vacationing, our team of Vegas attorneys at Valiente Mott could help you build your case. We will discuss your options, ensure evidence is preserved and optimized, and fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation. Since we work on a contingency basis, there are no upfront legal fees. Hablamos Español.

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