The Importance of Hiring a Truck Accident Lawyer

Being involved in a truck accident is often a devastating experience, leading to severe injuries and sometimes even fatalities. Because of the size and weight of these commercial vehicles, these accidents are generally more severe than motor vehicle crashes involving standard passenger vehicles. Understanding why these accidents happen, what legal recourse you have, and how a Las Vegas personal injury lawyer can help is essential for anyone who has been injured in a truck accident. 

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents occur for many different reasons, with some of the most common being:

Fatigue: Truck drivers work long, grueling hours, often without enough rest. These drivers are often pushed by their employers to meet deadlines and to prioritize profits over safety. The unfortunate reality is that this often means truck drivers are driving while fatigued, which can be just as dangerous as driving under the influence. 

Distracted Driving: Just like all other drivers, truck drivers are not immune to distracted driving. Whether it’s eating, texting, or looking at navigation systems, anytime a driver’s eyes are taken off the road or their hands are off the wheel can lead to accidents. 

Speeding: Truck drivers need to be extra careful when driving these large, powerful machines, as they have the ability to do significant damage. When drivers speed, it means they require more time and distance to stop, and when something unexpected happens, this may lead to accidents.

Working with a truck accident lawyer is the best way to determine what the cause of the accident was.

Benefits of a Truck Accident Lawyer

Working with a truck accident lawyer after an accident is essential for anyone who has been injured in this situation. Here’s how they can help:

Investigate the Accident

Your truck accident lawyer will investigate every aspect of the truck accident. This includes looking at any video footage available – like dashcam footage – examining police reports, speaking with witnesses, consulting with accident reconstruction experts, and reviewing the truck’s “black box” data. By doing this, they can get an understanding of what happened and how the accident occurred. 

Familiarity with Federal Trucking Regulations

Commercial trucks have to follow very specific federal regulations – ones that passenger vehicles do not have to abide by. By having an understanding of these regulations, a truck accident lawyer can determine if either the driver or the truck company was negligent in any way by failing to adhere to these rules. This can help you recover the compensation you’re entitled to.

Handle Insurance Companies

The first step after a truck accident is usually to file an insurance claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company. While this sounds straightforward, it can actually be quite complicated, as insurance companies are known to use certain tactics to avoid paying out what you truly deserve. 

A Las Vegas truck accident lawyer will handle all negotiations and communication with the insurance company; they are familiar with these tactics and know how to counter them. Your lawyer will do everything possible to get you the compensation you’re truly entitled to.

If you’ve been involved in a truck accident, one of your first steps should be seeking legal help. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. 

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