Airbag Accident Injuries

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Airbags are celebrated vehicle safety features that have saved thousands of lives. However, if they contain defects or malfunction during a drive, they can cause accidents and injuries. If you or a loved one has suffered an airbag injury in Las Vegas, hiring a Las Vegas personal injury attorney can help you collect fair compensation for your losses.

How Can Airbags Cause Injuries?

Airbags are designed to prevent injuries in motor vehicle accidents by rapidly inflating a bag to cushion and absorb the impact of an occupant’s body against interior elements of the car, such as the dashboard. For the most part, airbags work as intended to prevent catastrophic injuries and save lives; over the last 30 years, airbags have prevented approximately 50,000 deaths, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

However, in some cases, airbags deploy with too much force or at the incorrect time, potentially causing rather than preventing injuries. The high pressure of the inflatable bag within its compartment, combined with its rapid deployment, can create a force strong enough to injure a passenger at the time of contact. Sitting too close to the steering wheel and failing to wear a seat belt increase the risk of airbag injuries.

Defective Airbag Claims

A major issue that has historically been connected to airbag incidents, injuries and even deaths is the risk of product defects. If an airbag contains a defective part or component, it may not function properly. It could deploy at the wrong time or not at all. It may also burst or explode upon deployment.

The largest defective airbag recall in history was in 2019, when more than 67 million Takata airbags were recalled for a malfunction that made them explode when deployed, sending shrapnel shooting into the cab of the vehicle. This defect injured at least 400 people and killed 27 others.

Common Airbag Accident Injuries

From deployment issues to exposure to dangerous or toxic chemicals that are used to release the airbag, many different aspects of this piece of safety equipment could ultimately cause injuries.

Common types of airbag accident injuries include:

  • Facial injuries and fractures
  • Eye injuries
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Chemical burns
  • Skin irritation
  • Respiratory problems
  • Neck injuries and whiplash
  • Concussions and traumatic brain injuries
  • Spine injuries
  • Chest injuries
  • Hearing damage

Small children are especially at risk of suffering serious and fatal airbag injuries. For this reason, children should remain in the back seat of a vehicle whenever possible.

Pursuing Compensation for Airbag Injuries in Nevada

Airbag injuries can be compensated as part of a car accident insurance claim in Nevada. If you suffer injuries from contact with an airbag in an automobile accident, the driver or party at fault for the collision can be held responsible for the full extent of your injuries, including those caused by an airbag, under Nevada’s fault-based insurance law.

If an investigation finds that the airbag contained a defect, such as a design, manufacturing or marketing error, and this led to your injuries, you may be able to file a product liability claim. In both cases, you could qualify for compensation for your past and future medical bills, property repairs, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

How an Attorney Can Help With an Airbag Injury Case

If you were injured by an airbag, discuss your legal options with an attorney. You may be eligible for financial compensation for your medical bills and other injury-related losses from the driver or party at fault, such as an airbag manufacturing company. Discuss your specific case for free by contacting the Las Vegas car accident lawyers at Valiente Mott at (702) 623-2323 anytime.

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