Las Vegas Car Accident Lawyer

People often assume catastrophic car collisions won’t happen to them. Yet, thousands of unsuspecting people become victims in serious car wrecks every year, as every experienced Las Vegas personal injury attorney knows too well. Negligent drivers, unsafe roads, and other dangerous conditions put all of us at risk. Contact the Las Vegas car accident attorneys at Valiente Mott today for a free consultation.

Meet the Attorneys

Michael S. Valiente and Tim Mott have departed from their roles at Nevada’s premier insurance defense trial law firm, shifting their attention towards championing individuals over insurance corporations. Drawing upon their extensive expertise, this dynamic duo now dedicates their practice to advocating for those impacted by car accidents, defective products, and injuries.

Our Car Accident Case Results

We are local to Las Vegas and have secured millions for our clients. Don’t hesitate to reach out today if you’ve experienced an injury or auto accident. Consultations are always FREE.

  • $3.025M  T-bone accident resulting in spinal cord injuries
  • $1.055M T-bone accident resulting in spinal cord injuries

Why Choose Valiente Mott?

  • We prioritize our client’s needs by providing round-the-clock access to dedicated lines, ensuring that assistance is always available seven days a week. With this commitment to accessibility, we strive to offer peace of mind and reliable guidance to our clients whenever they need it most.
  • A substantial portion of our business stems from referrals, a testament to the confidence other legal professionals have in our expertise and commitment to excellence.
  • With an impressive track record boasting 400+ five-star client reviews and a remarkable 99% success rate, Valiente Mott stands as a beacon of excellence in legal representation. Our team comprises exceptional lawyers dedicated to ensuring that every client receives the highest level of advocacy.

What to Do After an Auto Accident in Las Vegas

If you were involved in a collision and suffered serious injuries, we encourage you to seek immediate medical treatment – your health is your top priority. Delaying medical care can result in worsened injuries and a longer recovery time. It can also work against you should you pursue a personal injury claim. The judge or jury could see your delay as proof that your injuries weren’t severe or painful. Explain to your doctor what happened during your crash. Keep records of your medical bills, diagnosis, and treatment plan. Here is what to do after a crash:

  • Stop at the scene and offer assistance: It’s illegal to leave the scene of a crash that resulted in injuries or property damage. You must stay on scene until you can legally leave. Otherwise, you risk a “hit-and-run” charge and penalties. Stop your vehicle, assess the situation, and offer help as appropriate.
  • Move your vehicle: If your car is blocking traffic and is drivable, move your vehicle out of the way. If you are in a minor crash and it is safe, push any incapacitated vehicles to the side of the road. Use your vehicle’s hazard lights and set out cones or flashers if you have them to warn other drivers of the crash. If you can’t move your vehicle off the road, don’t stay with it. Move yourself to a safe place, away from traffic, while you wait for law enforcement to arrive.
  • Don’t admit fault: Nevada is a “fault” state, meaning the driver who causes the crash will be financially liable for damages. It may not seem polite, but it’s important you do not apologize to the other party or say the collision was your fault. Wait for an investigation from the police or an insurance company to assign fault. There may be an element at play of which you were not aware, such as the other driver’s partial fault or a hazardous road condition. It’s best not to take any legal action or give statements before you consult a Las Vegas auto accident attorney.
  • Check for injuries: Check to see if you or other parties have injuries. Immediately request an ambulance if there are injuries and call the police. Don’t assume someone else has already called for help. Do not move injured people unless they are in imminent danger; moving a crash victim can make minor injuries major. Stay with the injured person, remain calm, and make the individual as comfortable as possible while you wait for emergency assistance.
  • Report the crash to the police: In Nevada, you must report a car crash if it results in injuries, death, or more than $750 of property damage. However, we recommend that you always call the police to report a crash as the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police are now responding to non-injury collisions as well. You must either call the police or submit a Report of Traffic Crash within ten days of the collision. Stick to the facts when speaking to police officers. Give as detailed an account as possible, including the directions both vehicles were traveling and the names of any eyewitnesses.

Remember to Exchange Information

Gather information. Collect as much information about your crash as possible. If you are able to stay on the scene of the crash, gather information and record facts about the crash while they’re still fresh on your mind. Take down the name of the officer who arrives on scene, and the information of anyone who was involved in the collision or who saw what happened.

Here is a list of information you should exchange with the other party.

  • Full Name
  • Phone Number
  • Address
  • Email Address
  • Insurance Company Name, Address, and Phone Number
  • Policy Number
  • License Plate Number
  • Driver’s License Number

Take photographs. If possible, use a camera or a cell phone to take photos at the scene of the crash. Take pictures of your vehicle, other vehicles or property damage, injuries, the roadway, and any other relevant details. For example, if a tree obscured a stop sign, making the other driver roll through an intersection and crash into you, take a photo of the hazardous condition. Photos can serve as inscrutable evidence during car crash claims and cases. Take as many pictures as possible. Something in the background may be of vital importance to your case that an experienced attorney may notice. Take as many pictures as possible to ensure no detail is missed.

Don’t talk about your physical condition with anyone. Don’t tell anyone that you’re not injured because you may have injuries that you’re not aware of at this point. Regularly, the adrenaline surge that happens when you’re in a crash will mask any pain or injuries that you suffered. When the adrenaline wears off, however, you might find that you’re in intense pain, so don’t make any assumptions immediately.

Get a lawyer. One of the most important things to do after a crash in Las Vegas is to speak to an attorney with qualifies practice areas as soon as possible. To protect your rights, you will need legal advice before you speak to the insurance company and provide a statement of the events. Insurance companies have become very aggressive in contacting victims of collisions quickly after the event. Insurance companies do so to get a recorded statement of your injuries and the collision to use against you at a later date. This is why it is imperative to speak to an attorney as soon as possible after the event to ensure the insurance companies don’t trick you into providing statements that will lower the value of your case.

Create a crash file. If you think you will need to take legal action to pursue compensation for your crash-related damages, create an organized file documenting everything from the crash. This includes the police report and any medical documents. The more information you can gather, the stronger your case.

Contact a Las Vegas Car Accident Attorney

The experienced team at Valiente Mott has had great success in representing victims of motor vehicle accidents. For a free consultation, contact our Las Vegas car accident lawyer today.

Reporting Car Accidents in Las Vegas

NRS 484E requires drivers in car accidents to report any accidents that result in any form of injury, death, or cause property damage exceeding $750. Under the law, the involved parties are legally obligated to file a “Report of Traffic Accident” with the relevant authorities. This report must be filed within a strict timeline of ten (10) days following the date of the accident. This law underscores the importance of prompt and responsible reporting following vehicular accidents, ensuring that all relevant details are officially documented. Such documentation is crucial for the purposes of insurance claims, legal proceedings, and maintaining accurate records of traffic incidents within the state. Failing to comply with this reporting requirement can lead to legal consequences.

Hit-and-Run Car Accident Claims

In Nevada, hit-and-run incidents are taken very seriously and carry significant legal consequences. NRS 484E.020 states that drivers involved in an accident who leave the scene without fulfilling their legal obligations, such as providing assistance and exchanging information, can potentially face criminal action. So long as the claim resulted in property damage, the charge would be considered a misdemeanor and the penalties can include up to six months in jail, a fine of up to $1,000, and the addition of six demerit points to the driver’s license. However, if the hit-and-run accident in Las Vegas results in injury or death, the charges escalate to a category B felony, which carries much more severe penalties. Our Las Vegas wrongful death attorneys can help you seek justice if your loved one passed due to a hit-and-run accident in Las Vegas.

Common Causes of Auto Accidents in Las Vegas

Below are some of the major reasons for the needless injuries and deaths that occur on our roadways every year.

Distracted Driving

Estimates vary, but the American Auto Association attributes 25 to 50 percent of all traffic collisions to distracted drivers. Sadly, reckless and negligent drivers engage in distracted driving simply because they think they can safely multitask. Yet, it is impossible for drivers to ensure they don’t injure others when they are using a mobile device, eating, drinking, or otherwise not paying attention. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 3,477 distracted driving fatalities in 2015. In fact, texting and driving is one of the most dangerous forms of distracted driving. If you or anyone you love has been hurt due to someone’s distracted driving, you should contact an experienced car accident lawyer in Las Vegas to help you receive a fair settlement.

Drunk Drivers

Drunk driving is a primary cause of preventable motor vehicle crash deaths and injuries across the country. According to, on average, around 12,000 people die every year in DUI-related collisions, approximately 900,000 drivers are arrested per year for DUI/DWI, and a full third of those have been arrested for drunk driving previously.

The majority of drunk-driving crashes in Clark County areas occurred on the weekends, with fatalities peaking on Saturdays and serious injuries peaking on Sundays. In 2015, 30% of all Nevada roadway fatalities were the result of driving under the influence. Our Las Vegas drunk driving accident attorneys at Valiant Mott are trusted by residents because we have substantial experience getting compensation from drunk drivers.

Drowsy Driving

You’ll hardly find a car accident lawyer in Las Vegas, NV who hasn’t dealt with a fatigued driver case through their practice. Drivers falling asleep at the wheel cause almost 100,000 crashes annually, according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data. Even when they haven’t fallen asleep, fatigued drivers may drift out of their lane, travel the wrong way on a one-way street or highway entrance ramp, or react too slowly to changes in road and traffic conditions.

Driving when over-tired is negligent driving, and when it causes injuries and fatalities, the driver may be held liable for the injured parties’ damages.


Speeding increases a vehicle’s stopping time thereby making a high-speed crash in Las Vegas more likely to happen, and even increases the severity of the impact when a crash occurs. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports that when speed increases from 40 to 60 miles per hour, the energy released on impact doubles.

Speed kills. If you’ve suffered injuries caused by a speeding driver, you have a right to claim compensation for your damages. Contact the experienced car accident attorney Las Vegas relies on. Valiente Mott knows how to protect your rights.

Aggressive Driving

Road rage and aggressive driving are surprisingly common: a truck tailgating a motorcycle, aggressive lane changes, obscene gestures and language, flashing of lights to indicate anger, cutting other drivers off, blocking drivers from making changing lanes, refusing to yield the right of way, or even physically assaulting other drivers are behaviors that can result in serious collisions.

There is no excuse for this kind of risky behavior, and aggressive drivers must be held responsible for the damage they cause. If you’ve been hurt in a crash caused by an aggressive driver, it’s vital you consult an expert aggressive driving accident lawyer in Las Vegas to protect your rights to a monetary recovery of your damages.

Failing to Adjust Driving to Weather Conditions

All drivers must take appropriate precautions when driving in bad weather to avoid causing injuries to themselves or others. That means slowing down when visibility is poor and allowing extra stopping distance when the pavement is wet and slippery. If a driver fails to adjust to weather conditions and causes a poor road conditions accident, he or she may be held liable for the injuries to others as a result. If you’ve been a victim of another driver’s failing to take necessary precautions, contact an experienced automobile accident attorney in Las Vegas to help you build a strong case.

Malfunctioning Equipment

If you have been involved in a car crash and a portion of your injuries were caused by a defective product in the automobile, you may have a second case to seek compensation. With the help of a successful Las Vegas car accident attorney and their valuable resources, you could reach a fair settlement. In recent years, many people have experienced additional injuries during a crash that are caused by defective airbags, tires, and ignition systems; stuck acceleration pedals; brake system failures; and master computer failure while the car is in motion.

Many of these items are currently under recall, but this does not absolve the manufacturers from responsibility. Your accident lawyer will be able to determine if any of your injuries were related to a manufacturer defect and if so, you are entitled to seek compensation.

“Valliente Mott was great to work with after my car accident. They were extremely communicative and contacted me several times with updates and information throughout the process so I never had to guess what was happening, they fought the insurance company for a fair settlement, and we’re super friendly. They never made me feel stupid for asking questions and were easy to get a hold through text or phone calls and always had quick replies. I never had to go to the office, everything was done electronically which made it so much easier for me being a single mom of 2, working full time, and having several medical appointments per week from the accident. I would strongly recommend giving them a call if you’ve been in an accident no matter how big or small!!”


“I got into a car accident and had no idea what to do. [Valiente Mott] helped me through the entire process, kept me informed, and made sure I was getting the medical care that I needed. The whole process was very easy, straight forward and stress-free. I was very satisfied with the outcome of my case and would definitely recommend this firm to anyone needing an honest great lawyer.”


Common Types of Auto Accidents

Above are only some of the common causes to motor vehicle accidents, some other causes are even identified by the types of accidents such as rear-end collisions in Las Vegas. Below are additional types of accidents that our auto accident attorneys have valuable experience in dealing with.

  • Intersection Accidents: These accidents occur at intersections and are typically the result of drivers failing to obey traffic signals, speeding, or being distracted. They can involve multiple vehicles and often result in side-impact or head-on collisions.
  • Side Impact Collisions: Also known as T-bone accidents, side impact collisions occur when the side of one vehicle is hit by the front or rear of another vehicle. This type of collision often happens at intersections and can cause significant injuries due to the limited protection on the sides of vehicles.
  • Single Vehicle Accidents: This type of accident involves only one vehicle and can be caused by a variety of factors, including driver error, poor road conditions, or mechanical failure. Examples include hitting a tree, sliding off the road, or rolling over.
  • Taxi Cab Accidents: These accidents involve taxi cabs and can be due to the negligence of the taxi driver, other drivers, or external factors. They can vary in severity and type, impacting both passengers and pedestrians.
  • Reckless Driving Accidents: Caused by drivers who disregard traffic laws and safety norms, these accidents can include excessive speeding, aggressive driving, and not yielding to right of way. They often result in severe consequences due to the high-risk maneuvers involved.
  • Rollover Car Accidents: These are severe accidents where a vehicle flips over onto its side or roof. Rollovers can be caused by sharp turns at high speeds, collisions, or tripping (e.g., hitting a curb). They are particularly dangerous due to the potential for roof collapse and ejection of passengers.
  • T-Bone Accidents: Occurring primarily at intersections, these accidents happen when the front of one vehicle collides with the side of another, forming a “T” shape. They often result from failure to yield, running red lights, or speeding.
  • Head On Collisions: These accidents happen when the fronts of two vehicles hit each other. Commonly occurring on two-lane roads, they are extremely dangerous due to the combined speed of both vehicles and often result in severe injuries or fatalities.
  • Multi-Vehicle Accidents: Also known as pile-ups, these involve multiple vehicles and typically occur on busy roads or highways. They can be caused by a chain reaction where one collision leads to another, often exacerbated by poor visibility, weather conditions, or high speeds.
  • Fender Benders: Fender benders in Las Vegas are minor accidents typically involving a vehicle rear-ending another. They usually occur at low speeds and result in minimal vehicle damage and minor, if any, injuries. Common causes include distracted driving and tailgating.
  • Failure to Yield: These accidents occur when a driver fails to give right-of-way to another vehicle or pedestrian as required by law. This often happens at stop signs, yield signs, and when merging onto highways.

Las Vegas Car Insurance Requirements

Las Vegas has strict auto insurance requirements under NRS 484.185 in place to ensure that drivers have adequate coverage in the event of an accident. The state law of Nevada mandates that every driver must carry a minimum level of insurance coverage. This includes $15,000 for bodily injury or death of one person in any single accident, $30,000 for bodily injury or death of more than one person in any single accident, and $10,000 for damage to or destruction of property of others in any one accident. These minimum coverage amounts are designed to provide basic financial protection for drivers and other individuals involved in auto accidents. Failure to carry this mandatory insurance can lead to serious legal and financial repercussions.

Statute of Limitations for Las Vegas Car Accidents

In Las Vegas, the statute of limitations for filing car accident claims is a critical legal timeframe that plaintiffs must adhere to. Under NRS 11.190, individuals have a period of two (2) years from the date of the collision to file a lawsuit for personal injury or wrongful death resulting from a car accident. This statute of limitations is crucial because if a lawsuit is filed after this two-year period, the court is likely to dismiss the case, potentially leaving the plaintiff without any legal recourse for compensation.

However, there is an important exception when the accident involves a government entity. In such cases, the claimant must first file a written claim with the Nevada State Board of Examiners within six (6) months of the accident. If this claim is denied or there is no response within six months, the individual then has the opportunity to file a lawsuit but must do so within one (1) year.

Contact our Las Vegas Car Accident Lawyers Today

At Valiente Mott, we’re more than just your legal team; we’re your steadfast allies in navigating the aftermath of a car accident in Las Vegas. Our commitment to unparalleled customer service sets us apart. With direct text lines for our clients and a promise of availability for calls seven days a week, we ensure you’re supported at every turn. Our Las Vegas car accident lawyers are great lawyers but more importantly, great people who are handpicked to fit our culture of caring and fighting for your rights.

Our track record speaks for itself with a 99% success rate and over 400+ 5-star Google reviews. Our attorneys, top graduates with extensive experience in significant injury cases, are dedicated to achieving exceptional results. We handle everything – property damage, rental cars, employment issues, health insurance disputes, and your injury claim – with honesty and integrity. At Valiente Mott, we’re committed to winning for you, setting proper expectations, and always doing the right thing for our clients. Contact us today for your free consultation and start the path to the justice you deserve.

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